IMH News

Presenting the hydraulic solution for the Boston Barrier

If you follow IMH on social media, or indeed have looked at our past events and case studies, then you’ll know that we have been heavily involved with providing the hydraulic solution for the Boston Barrier.

The Boston Barrier is one of the first and largest barriers of its kind in the UK and weighs 700t when being lifted, full of water, from the riverbed. It has therefore taken a huge amount of design expertise and craftmanship to engineer a solution that can lift this barrier from just a single hydraulic cylinder.

We have come together with the Environment Agency to share how we overcame the challenges a barrier of this size presented… and explore the creation of an innovative and highly effective engineering solution.

Join us on Tuesday 3 November at 5pm for the 10th Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Tech Talk to hear Paul Griffiths MBE, IMH founder and highly experienced hydraulic engineer, IMH Engineering Manager, Ian Bannister and Boston Barrier project director and Environment Agency representative, Adam Robinson discuss the need for flood defence in Boston, Lincolnshire and the hydraulic solution we delivered.

The free to attend online event is being hosted by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, but you will need to register in advance here.

Ahead of the session, if you’d like to know more about the project you can read our case study here.